Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The peacekeepers of Penzance

I really hate to say it, but Europe's future is indeed bleak. All their braying about the "international community" and "human rights for man" (minus the Jews of course) makes them a laughing-stock around the world.

And nobody moreso than "Black Jaques Chiraq" with his by now infamous 4,000 "peacekeepers" leading the UNIFIL force in Lebanon of 15,000 which suddenly turned into 200 "combat" engineers. (Amazingly, he surrendered even BEFORE they had boots on the ground!)

I understand that it was the intercession of Syria threatening terrorist actions against French troops that halted the French drive for the leadership post in Lebanon. But no matter. That's not important.

What's important is that unless Europe changes its ways TODAY, NOW, there will be no Europe by the turn of this century, at least no Europe that any of the rest of us would recognize.

"A people without progeny will not accept a single military casualty. If this generation is the last, there will be no children for whom to sacrifice. Today's Europeans value their distractions and amusements more than they do prospective children. Germany's 2005 birth rate of only 8.5 per 1,000 inhabitants indicates that Europe is following the low variant of UN population estimates. These guarantee the virtual disappearance of the Europeans by the end of the present century.

Only 300 million Europeans, nearly half of them geriatric, will remain at the end of the present century against more than 700 million (including all of Eastern Europe) today. Europeans younger than 60 years of age now number about 560 million; that number will fall by only 150 million by the year 2100. This number excludes immigrants, overwhelmingly from the Middle East and Africa, who show no signs of assimilating as Europeans.

The number of Americans will exceed the number of Europeans, Russia included, by around the year 2080, although the aggregate numbers mask the true extent of the catastrophe, for nearly half of Europe's survivors will have reached retirement age. A fifth of Europeans are past 60 now; by 2050 more than a third will be above 60; and by the end of the century nearly half. The United States' elderly will number about 30%, so that the number of Americans younger than 60, at 280 million, will be close to double the number of young and working-age Europeans.

It might be objected that Europe's demographic catastrophe lies a generation hence, and that it need not determine European policy today. Just the opposite is true: it is Europe's present attitudes that dictate the demographic catastrophe. Europe began to die in the 1990s when deaths outnumbered births."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babes for Christendom!

Once the problem is taken on board, I predict an upsurge in births for middle-aged couples, taking advantage of new technologies. If a Romanian woman in her late 60s can afford a kid, then so can the average European woman!